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teen school year fun challenge:   a3


November is National Scholarship Month but it doesn't end there! We would love your participation for a chance to win a TeenTyme Back Pack! In an effort to reduce the national drop-out rate among teens, Teen Tyme Productions has issued a plea for educational excellence. Get involved with a cool, concise and constructive arts, scholastic, or language program and then tell us all about your educational excellence experience. We will select (5) teen winners of the Teen Tyme Back Pack, which one or two of them could hold the ticket to an iPad or iPhone.

Deadline for the essays to be submitted via our Blog Link from the Homepage is November 1, 2024~a3232.png


A TeenTyme Challenge of Educational Excellence!

Hello teens, this is a call to educational excellence. Compete to win one of five TeenTyme Back-Packs, one or two of which may have a winning ticket for an iPad or iPhone.

Our goal is to help reduce the national teen summer vacation
drop-out rate. Get involved in really cool arts, language, and scholastic programs that you find challenging and enjoyable. In August, tell us all about your experiences by writing your winning essay.

Submit your essay by our Blog Link on the Homepage. 

Deadline is November 1, 2024.


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