MEDIA ALERT 06.09.21: Moodiness, Mental Health Meltdowns, and the feelings of Melancholy among our Teens -- One Thought of "Saving" Grace per the CDC is Music, Movement and Mental Mindfulness, Youth Specialist Shares Conversation Starters - INTERVIEWS/ZOOM AVAILABLE -
The world of teaching has vastly changed, whether it is fully virtual, partially in person or at school with social distancing, masks and even partial vaccinations. We are all trying to do what is best to keep our children safe. The emotional safety of our young is exactly most important, especially during the Summer months.
Summertime is upon us, and that means break-time for most youth and young adults. How do Parents and Teens move forward with confidence that a brighter future is ahead. Commitment, Communication, Compassion, Cohesiveness and Conversation. Communication is the #1 Key Source per the CDC. Today, teenagers and adults are stressed and depressed with so much uncertainty in our world. How do we keep our young people focused for a bright and hopeful future?
In an interview Stacey can share the following:
1} Parents should encourage teens to engage in vibrant and inspirational conversations outside the daunting news stories of the day. A creative mindset helps to eliminate feelings of depression and uncertainty per the CDC.
2} Include music, movement and exercise into your daily routine. Keep active with a group of friends or family members, if possible. Suggestions may include: Jogging, Zumba, Biking, taking an Art Class for the Summer, and even learn to Roller-Blade....
3} Treat Yourself Sweetly. Share a sweet treat, like gelato, with a neighbor, visit with friends and even Zoom with someone you have NOT seen in a while, especially if you're in two different states or countries.
4} Finally, Communicate Every day in order NOT to isolate yourself amid the pandemic and summer. No matter what you're feeling, verbalize the emotion to someone you trust. Isolation leads to desolation.
***To view Stacey’s work Click the Link:
Booking Information: Nanci Cernak 727.418.0035
Stacey Spencer: or 502.435.4428
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