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Depressed, Desolate, Disgusted - Our Nation's Youth and Young Adults Mental Health is Shattered per the CDC

Posted on May 18, 2021 03:06 pm

Since last year, when the Pandemic surged, many school districts around the country have introduced outside and on-site contracts with therapists to address anxiety, displaced anger, "depression", and the rise in substance abuse among our Teens and Young adults, per the CDC. Education within a third place environment has become more "trauma" focused endeavor and sensitive in schools, colleges, home-schooling environments and even After-School Tutoring sessions. COVID-19, still the "invisible" enemy has placed a tremendous amount of "emotional" stress on many groups of youth: Black, White, Asian, Hispanic. The #1 concern is the "uncertainty" of what does the "future" hold for ALL of us.

Secondly, for the Black population, especially our young Black Males, ages 12 -18, and 18-24 years old, are still reeling as HOW TO process the traumatic events surrounding Law Enforcement and the recent National Out-Cry of Injustice beginning with George Floyd.  This psychological event in our nation's history highlighted the fact that "inequity" is more than real. The coronavirus put a giant spot light on inequalities from healthcare provisions to protect and serve, per the CDC!

Third, now we introduce the thrash of hated being placed upon our Asian communities across the U.S. -We must work quickly to resolve inequalities, create healthy mental mindfulness, and restorative justice to ALL our young people.

In an Interview Stacey will Share:

1} Create the 'Safe Place' for your young person.  How do parents do this?  Stacey Will Share....

2} Getting Back to the Basics, with Family First: High Standards, Meaningful Morals, Valuable Virtues and Priceless Values.

3} Encouraging the emotional 'Safety Net' with friends, family members, and trusted parties to have hard-core conversations about these uncertain times.

4} Create "FUN TIME" for all during this daunting time of the pandemic.

Stacey’s Work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_h_YxhzIgI

Booking Information: Nanci Cernak nanci.cernak@gmail.com 727.418.0035
Stacey Spencer: ss@staceyspencer.com 502.435.4428
Website: www.staceyspencer.com 

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January 21, 2022 at 02:59 am

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