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Bullying & Teens In The 21st Century

Posted on October 30, 2015 06:11 pm

“With so much violence, negative messages and bad behavior being shown on television these days, we’re thrilled to provide a positive alternative to young people who don’t engage in destructive behavior and hope by doing so, we reach teens who will reconsider their attitude and reject negative influences,” said Spencer. “Our entire team is honored to serve all youth by providing positive television programs through the wonderful vehicle of broadcast media.” www.teentyme.com
When An Angel Dies:  [Helping Parents Cope With the Grief of losing a Teen] 1) Forgiveness for the parent(s). How does one rid themselves of the ever-pressing Guilt when a child commits suicide. 2) Every parent believes the best for their kid, but when reality sets in that little "Johnny's" NOT perfect and his bad choices led to death... 3) The power to say, I'm sorry.  The gift of saying, I Love You, even when their dead and gone!  [This is becoming a workshop]... 4) The power to turn-off the cell phone for good.  When a teen dies parents often connect with them beyond the grave by keeping the cell phone on. 

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